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What is friends with benefits?

It's a self-organized, creative, and internet native community that enshrines human values at its core and creates amazing things cooperatively. Friends with Benefits is a community of artists, creators, thinkers, and people who are leading web3 transformation.

Is Web3 user-friendly?

The current state of Web3 is not user-friendly. People still don't know how it can provide value in our lives. The challenge here for designers is to hide as much complexity in Web3 products and focus on what really matters for the user, given that it’s providing value to them. #designers #web3 #blockchain.

Who will benefit from Web3 in travel?

Although web3 in travel shows promise for businesses, governments and travelers alike, consumers will likely be the biggest beneficiaries as web3 in travel ensures streamlined and seamless travel experiences with a higher degree of autonomy for travelers.

What is Web3 FWB?

FWB launched in 2021 with the goal of building a social community enthusiastic about Web3 adoption and education, as well as hosting local in-person meetups. In September 2021 it raised $10 million led by crypto venture firm a16z to build out its global community on and offline.

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